My Musical Body Map Journey

4:07 PM

Take a look at my musical body map that I created in Music class!

Interested in doing this with your class? Here are some of the prompts I followed to take me on my journey: 

  1. Draw an outline of yourself.
  1. Add features which indicate who you are (e.g., hair, eyes).
  1. Where do you come from?
  1. Describe a recent experience where you encountered music. Consider… Where were you? Who was with you? How did it make you feel? 
  1. How would you describe your music interests?
  1. What do you know about music?
  1. What do you want to know about music?
  1. How do you feel about being here… in a class, learning about how to teach music?
  1. Who has influenced your musical experiences?
  1. What is one of your most favorite musical moments?
  1. Have you ever had a negative experience with music? If so, what do you recall about this?
  1. What do you remember about music in elementary school?
  1. Have you told this music story before?
  1. What kind of music teacher would you like to be?
  1. How can your prior knowledge help you succeed in this class?

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