Assessment Week 1!

12:29 PM

We are in week 7 of this program. It's been a lot of fun while learning a lot about being a successful teacher in the future. As we wrapped up our tech class, we are starting a new class called Assessment. Unfortunately I do not have a placement yet, so I am not able to physically be present to ask my associate teacher questions on how he/she assesses their class, but after today I am anxious to see how they do it.

In today's class we were asked to share our beliefs and understanding about assessment. Teachers are moving away from the "old story" method of teaching and assessment and moving in the direction of the "new story" where teachers are understanding that assessment is more than just a grade.

I completely agree that Assessment is important. It helps teachers understand where students are struggling and achieving, but the traditional way of assessment needs some tweaking. Traditional testing takes away from students creativity and makes them very nervous and sometimes uncomfortable.

I have been that student in elementary where I wouldn't read the comments the teacher had for me but instead, only the mark on a test. The mark was the only thing I cared about, and if it wasn't what I expected, it ruined my whole learning process.

There should be different ways to assess a child instead of the traditional method we are constantly exposed to instead of constantly attaching a grade to everything.

I look forward to being apart of a classroom setting and experiencing the ways in which my associate teacher assesses her students.


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  1. Hi Ally,

    I'm delighted to see that you understand the importance of using assessment to improve student learning. I hope your placement works out soon so we can compare the policies in growing Success to what is happening in schools.


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